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How to increase battery life for android?

How to increase battery life for android?

First of all

Avoid Overcharging Of Battery: 

Yes, This is probably the first but decided to make it last. This is very common in our country. When we plug our phone for charging then we have to be very much careful on how long it will take to get the phone full charged. when fully charged, the charger should be removed so as to avoid overcharging which will damage your battery and also heat your phone components. So we have to take care of battery charging time. Even their are some application which alarm when battery get fully charged so try to make use of them.

Bluetooth, Wifi, Brightness:

Some of the best ways to save your battery are also the easiest! If you’re not using Wifi or Bluetooth, just shut them off through your quick menu. You can also bring your brightness down as well, or set it to auto brightness.
 If you go into your power management, you’ll probably notice that it’s almost always your screen that uses up the most power.

If you’re in an area where you’re getting a bad cellular signal, you can disable your cellular connection as well. If your phone is constantly searching for a signal, it’s going to drain quite a bit of power.

Live Wallpapers and WidgetsWidgets:

Live wallpapers can also be a source of high battery drain. Having that animation run in the background at all times takes resources. Switch to a standard wallpaper to relieve some of that stress on your phone.

If you have a widget on your homescreen that’s displaying some kind of live data, then that will tend to hurt your battery quite a bit. For example, if you’re running a news widget, every time you unlock your screen, that widget pulls data from a source in able to update the information you’re looking at.

So using a standard wallpaper and removing widgets is a great way to save some juice. Battery juice, not apple juice.

Close this app:

Did you know when you remove an app from the recent app menu, it doesn’t actually close the app? That app may still be running in the background and taking up your battery life when you think you closed it.

To make sure an app is closed for good, go to Settings, then choose Apps. Select the app you want to close and tap Force Stop. Android will tell you the app may cause problems if you shut it down this way, but give it a try, especially if it’s an app you don’t use much. Shut down a bunch of apps and you’ll see a massive improvement in your battery life.

If there’s a game or an app you don’t expect to see, it may be refreshing in the background, eating up your battery and maybe even using your mobile data. Disable the background activity or uninstall the app to make your battery a little more lively.


If you increase your battery's life use Greenify

Greenify is a fantastic app that will work on both rooted and non-rooted phones. This app has tons of features designed to optimize you phone’s performance, to get as much life as possible from your battery.  It’s constantly getting better as they add new features. There’s a dedicated XDA forum that you can check out. You can also download the app right from the play store.

So these are the few tips i have for you today. I hope this post will help increase your android smartphone battery life.

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